Diversity in Blockchain, Inc. Hosts NYC Event
Blockchain industry leaders are focused on diversity. Diversity in Blockchain Inc., in collaboration with Shearman & Sterling LLP, held a sold-out year-end event titled, “Understanding Blockchain Smart Contracts.” The session was held in New York and featured a two-part interactive program.
The event began with an introduction by Sandra Bang, Chief Diversity and Talent Strategy Officer at Shearman & Sterling. Her introduction was followed by the first program of the evening with Dr. Solomon Lederer, co-founder of Blockmatics and co-author of “Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law and Technology Solutions,” who introduced the audience to the complexities of smart contracts.
The event ended with an audience Q&A session that ensured participants left the event with substantial knowledge of smart contract technology and a greater sense of how to promote inclusion in their respective industries.
“With the increase in adoption of blockchain technology by enterprise, we were pleased to see such a strong turnout for our event,” Michelle Gitlitz, founder and co-chair of Blank Rome LLP’s Blockchain Technology and Digital Currencies Group and co-founder of DiB said. “The audience had a keen interest in learning about smart contracts coded on blockchain and discussing the importance of diversity in the industry.”
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